(Mods: I know this isn’t exaaaaactly on point with the Keep It Austincentric Rule, but trust when I say I triiiiiiied. Find Location to Apply and Submit Your Completed Application 11.

Prolly gonna start buying my stamps from that location exclusively just so I can visit.

You have to schedule online (USPS, passport something-or-other page) and it’s like 2.5 hours away, but 100% worth it. Dance card is wide open and Shannon is the lady who will help you and she was far and away the nicest flipping person I’ve ever met at a post office. Stephenville, TX, “Cowboy Capital of the World,” USPS on N Graham St, 76401. Where are your passport agencies, and what are the application locator numbers for each office Map of Passport Office Locations Last Updated: MaInformacin en espaol Make An Appointment at a Passport Agency or Center We have two types of appointments: Life-or-Death Emergency Service and Urgent Travel Service. So I’m sure it will interest exactly no one here that while I was unable to find any available appointment anytime over the next two weeks within 100 literal (LITERAL) miles of Austin, San Antonio or Houston, I DID FINALLY FIND A PLACE! Find a Special Passport Fair near you Were holding special passport fairs all across the United States to help you get your passport more easily. For sure, no doubt I’m the only Austinite on Reddit who consistently drops the ball and does shit like procrastinate renewing a passport until so much time has passed that now it has to be renewed in person at an official passport application acceptance location.Īnd zero chance anyone here identifies personally with the optimistic view that it’s 100% fine to schedule international travel for 10 weeks from now when the best federal government guesstimate is that a passport might be successfully issued between 7 and 9.5 (including expedited shipping) weeks if absolutely nothing goes wrong with the paperwork and process.